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An Introduction
The Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon (ADC), established in 1991, is a denomination dedicated to serving, uplifting, and empowering the body of Christ to fulfill the Lord's commission and advance His kingdom purposes. Under the leadership of Rt. Rev. Dr. Kirby de Lanerolle, ADC’s revived mandate aims to establish bishopric governance within free churches. The ADC currently episcopates over 600 churches establishing the Diocese as one of the largest Christian denominations nationally. As the Independent and autonomous free church movement was growing; The necessity for leadership and representation was a national concern. After discussions with the free church community and government leaders the ADC took the pioneering step to invite already existing independent churches to come under one umbrella. In July of 2015 under the auspices of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Honorable Ranil Wickremasinghe and the Minister of Christian Affairs Hon John Amaratunge; The ADC launched its first steps envisioning the first Diocese for already existing free churches nationally. Within the last year the ADC is in training of close to 150 free churches to be a part of an Episcopal culture. It is the only diocese that offers episcopal governance for free churches with an institute to train and educate clergy. A part of the ADC vision is to bring back certain episcopal traditions that were lost in the progression of the charismatic revival.
Who we are

The ADC is the Sri Lanka branch of the Indian National Apostolic Diocese (INAD), which is the largest government sanctioned Diocese for Free Churches in India with over 11,500 churches to its name. It is headed by Bishop Paul T. Maran, who ordained Rt. Reverend Dr. Kirby de Lanerolle as Chief Overseer of the ADC in a ceremony held in July 2015. of Special Projects Felix Perera.
Member of IIADS (11,500 Churches)
670 Churches Locally
400 Students in ADC School

Presidential Environmental Award

Swarnadeepa Golden Award